AGU25: Where Science Connects Us.
Connections. They link us together. Make us stronger. Help us grow. Give us hope. Move us forward. The Earth and space science community is all about connection. A vibrant hive of research, discovery, action, and solution. Connections twist and move. They pivot unpredictably. They can challenge us, surprise us, and sometimes delight us. From the lab to the field to the ballot box, science depends on connection. At AGU25 we celebrate all the ways we connect. The purpose of what we connect. The power of how we connect. The promise of where we connect.
Why Attend?
- Cutting-Edge Science: Discover the latest research in Earth and space sciences.
- Global Collaboration: Network with experts, policymakers, and emerging leaders.
- Interactive Sessions: Attend workshops, panel discussions, and hands-on learning experiences.
- Career Advancement: Access mentoring programs, career fairs, and funding opportunities.

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